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Madisonville High School


 Although the media downplayed Truancy, it does exist! In fact, attendance laws have become more in depth in recent months. Effective September 1, 2015, Texas public schools are requiring more parental involvement in ensuring their students are in attendance. After all, a student cannot learn the course content if he or she is not here!
MYTH: A student/parent cannot go to court for Truancy.
FACT: The student can be fined $100, have his or her driving privileges revoked, or be referred to the juvenile court system.
The best way to avoid Truancy... BE PRESENT!
If a student is absent from school, he or she must always return to school with a note. Parent notes and doctor notes will be used to determine if a student's absence is excused or unexcused.
(Please refer to the Student Handbook.)
  • Parents are notified via School Messenger each day a student is absent. Please ensure that the schools have your correct contact information.
  • If a student appears to be experiencing attendance problems, the district will enter into an attendance agreement with the student and his or her parent/guardian.
  • If the student continues to experience attendance problems, then the district will refer the student to Truancy Court.
If you have any questions regarding Truancy, please contact your student's grade level principal at 936-348-2721.