Circulation Policies:
- Students are issued photo identification cards when they enter MHS. These are permanent barcoded cards which are to be used for book checkout.
- Regular books may be checked out for a period of two weeks. A limited number of reference books may be checked out over night. Fines for overdue books are 10 cents a day.
- Students who have outstanding fines or overdue books must clear their records before checking out more books.
The Library has what you want
Books for pleasure reading & research
Bryan Eagle, Madisonville Meteor
OPAC -- Online Public Access Catalog--use this to locate materials in the libraryInternet
EBSCO -- full text general reference database--use at school and home
Britannica Online Encyclopedia (English & Spanish ed.)� use at school and home
Computer scanner
Digital cameras
Digital projectors
Color copier and printer
Color photo printer
A place to study or read before school or during lunch period
Birthday & News bulletin board in cafeteria
A BIG friendly smile for YOU